Saturday, July 31, 2010

Don't Call It A Comeback, I Been Here for Years

Cue Blog Posting... Take Two

Yeah, so, guess that was a bit of a hiatus. Here's what y'all missed in the last three months or so in no particular order, in 100 words or less, and apparently, with a million and three links:

- I got a Facebook page. Huzzah.

- Organic CSA farming began.

- The Green Faces Diet

- I got a Twitter page. Huzzah again.

- How I Train (okay, not me, but three other awesome coaches).

- I gave s'more blood and signed up to be a bone marrow donor. (Feel free to do likewise, if you're so inclined.)

- I've pretty much decided to train for a bodyweight two-hands anyhow by my next birthday, and I have about 12 weeks to find 65 pounds. I'm thinking it sounds "easier" than it is.

- I decided that this is the funniest film I've seen in years:

Meh, I could've sworn it was a lot busier when it was happening, but looking at it like this seems like I've been shlubbing around eating creamsicles and watching Columbo. But... um... I wasn't. Seriously.

Anyway, now we're up to date and back on track. Catch 'ya later.