Saturday, July 31, 2010

Don't Call It A Comeback, I Been Here for Years

Cue Blog Posting... Take Two

Yeah, so, guess that was a bit of a hiatus. Here's what y'all missed in the last three months or so in no particular order, in 100 words or less, and apparently, with a million and three links:

- I got a Facebook page. Huzzah.

- Organic CSA farming began.

- The Green Faces Diet

- I got a Twitter page. Huzzah again.

- How I Train (okay, not me, but three other awesome coaches).

- I gave s'more blood and signed up to be a bone marrow donor. (Feel free to do likewise, if you're so inclined.)

- I've pretty much decided to train for a bodyweight two-hands anyhow by my next birthday, and I have about 12 weeks to find 65 pounds. I'm thinking it sounds "easier" than it is.

- I decided that this is the funniest film I've seen in years:

Meh, I could've sworn it was a lot busier when it was happening, but looking at it like this seems like I've been shlubbing around eating creamsicles and watching Columbo. But... um... I wasn't. Seriously.

Anyway, now we're up to date and back on track. Catch 'ya later.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hey Athletes, Don't Just Run. Run Fast!

Yes, I'm specifically talking to paintball athletes.

But, no, I'm not only talking to paintball athletes.

Long, slow, distance cardio (sometimes appropriately called LSD cardio), has a very limited and often over-rated role in the majority of athletes' training programs.

Whether we're trying to build aerobic or anaerobic cardio endurance or burn calories, LSD cardio (running for multiple miles at a submaximal speed) is, at best, inefficient and, at worst, a waste of precious training time.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Toxic People - Not Just in Tromaville

I was catching up on the ol' Cyanide and Happiness and I wandered across this comic:

It kinda reminded me of this article about toxic people.

Every once in a while it's worth taking a look at the folks around you, and see who's legitimately trying to help you succeed and who's (consciously or unconsciously) holding you back.